HOMEGATING – The act of hanging out with friends while watching a sporting event. The concept is simple – great sports, great friends and great food.
My husband and I are pro homgaters…we love spending our Sundays watching football from the comfort of our couch. As Patriot’s fans living in Connecticut, getting to the game isn’t always easy – the stadium is about 2 hours away. So more often than not, we resort to watching the game from home. There are a few reasons why homegating can be just as fun as heading to the stadium! First, it’s cheaper. Save on tickets, gas and expensive stadium food by staying home. Second, you can’t beat the view. Unless you’ve got great seats on the 50 yeard line, it’s likely your view will be better on the big screen. Lastly, home games in New England can get pretty chilly as the season goes on. Why battle the elements when you can stay cozy at home? I’m by no means discouraging a trip to the game…but if you can’t make it work, homegating is the next best option.
Homegating will never replace the excitement and thrill of being at an NFL game, but there are a few things you can do to help recreate the experience – in the comfort of your own home!
Get the Gear
One of the best ways to support your team is to wear the gear. Whether you insist on wearing your lucky jersey or just like reperesneting your favorite team on gameday day, NFL gear is an absolute MUST. Lucky for you, the NFL shop has clothing and accessories for everyone! I’m particularly impressed with their selection for women, with so many cute and fashionable styles. I like to keep my game day attire comfy – like this super soft long sleeve pullover (here are some more cute options) and a baseball cap. For the full collection of New England Patriots clothing, visit the NFL Shop to purchase for men, women, kids and even pets!
Stock up on Food & Beverages
No gameday is complete without food and beverages. Football Sundays in our house consist of a full day of snacking. I always have some delicious and easy snacks on hand. My go-to treat to snack on during the game is chili dip. The ingredients are easy to keep on hand and it’s so simple to make (see recipe below!) This one is a HUGE crowd pleaser. I also recommend getting some festive drinkware to serve beverages in – these stemless glasses and mugs are perfect!
CHILI DIP: In a baking dish, layer 1 package of cream cheese, 1 can of chili (or 1.5 cups of homemade!) and top with shredded Mexican Cheese. Pop it in the oven for 20 minutes or until the cheese starts to bubble and crisp. Serve with cocktail napkins and Tortilla Chips!
Recreate the Stadium Experience.
Make sure you have plenty of comfortable seating for the game. More importantly, make sure each seat has a good view of the TV! You may also want to stock up on soft blankets for an extra comfy (and festive) experience! You could even pick up some decorations sporting your team’s logo. Also consider having something fun around the house to do during half time and between the games. I prefer outdoor activities to encourage people to get up and off the couch. This can be as simple and inexpensive as having a football to toss around OR as elaborate as a game of cornhole (I love this Patriots set!)
Big thank you to the NFL for sponosiring this post. Check out #myNFLFanStyle and create your own look at NFL Shop.com

Favorite team is the PATS! Since the Drew Bledsoe days baby!!!!!
Thanks for offering this giveaway! I love the Patriots, of course! Sights on six 🏈
Patriots all the way! 17 years loyal 😍
Patriots all the way! 17 years loyal 😍
Patriots baby!!!
Carolina Panthers!! 💙👊🏼 Which are very hard to watch all the way up here but they’re still my boys!
Patriots…obviously. Motion to disqualify all other answers?
Patriots! Having major FOMO being down here and not going to Gillette!
(P.S. Love the pics!!)
Pats Nation!! ❤💙
Of course it’s the Patriots!!! We have a HUGE following here in Bristol, RI and I’d love a chance to shop and get some new game gear! ❤️❤️❤️
Let’s Go Steelers!
I am a HUGE Colts fan! We are big home-gaters too!
Great giveaway!!
Colts!!! 🙂 🏈🏈
Love it! #PatsNation 🏈❤️😍
New England Patriots!
The Patriots!! Love your looks, everything appears effortless!
Patriots!!! 🏈❤️
Patriots!!! Go Pats!!!!! 🏈
Great post Jen. Pats are #1!!!
Patriots! 🏈
My favorite team is the NY Giants 🏈
I have two favorite teams: the Seahawks and the Panthers!