Since becoming a mom and sharing my experience on this platform, I often get asked for advice on all things baby-related. SLEEP has always been a hot topic, so I decided to share some of the products, tips and tricks we used to help get Emila on a great sleep schedule. I’m not sure if we got blessed with a great sleeper or if I should credit the tips/products mentioned below, but either way our little Emmi sleeps like a champ! She’s been sleeping through the night since she turned 5 months old and takes great naps during the day. My hope is that these recommendations can help get your baby on a great sleep schedule too!
Keep scrolling for my Must Have Baby Sleep Products, Tips & Tricks!

These are some sleeping tips and tricks we learned along the way with the help of our friends, family and pediatrician. We waited to implement most of these until she was about 4 months old and sleeping in her own room. From 0-4 months we spoiled her and just went with the flow! As always, please consult with your own pediatrician about what’s best for your baby.
Get on a set feeding schedule! This happened around 4 months for us. I found that Emilia slept best once she had scheduled bottle feedings, rather than eating at random times throughout the day. We eased into a routine, starting with scheduled feedings at the same time every morning and every night. We were very strict with this – even if it meant waking her up in the morning sometimes! We weren’t as strict about mid-day feedings in the beginning and didn’t follow any program or books, but rather let her establish her own schedule during the day. This worked out really well for us and was a much less stressful approach. I have her feeding schedule outlined below.
Also important to note, when it comes to scheduled feedings I always give myself an hour grace period. For example if she’s due for a noon bottle feeding but sleeps late during her morning nap, I’ll give myself until 1pm to give her that feeding. I always stay within that 1 hour window though!
Set a time for bed and stick to it! We decided that bedtime would be between 7-8pm. The exact time each night depends on how our naps go during the day. But she is ALWAYS in her bed by 8pm.
Set a time that you’d like the baby to wake up each morning – for us this is 7am. Try your best to keep them in the crib until this time every day, even if they wake up sooner. Sometimes Emilia wakes up an hour before her normal wake up time and just plays in the crib until we take her out. She’s learned to really love her crib! Occasionally she sleeps in, but we always make sure she’s out of the crib by 8 so we don’t disrupt our feeding schedule throughout the rest of the day.
Establish a bedtime routine as soon as possible. We started this as soon as Emila was sleeping in her own room (around 4 months old.) Our routine consists of reading and bottle (with lights off/sound machine on.) Once she’s done with her bottle I burp her and put her in her crib – awake. It typically takes her 5-20 minutes to soothe herself to sleep, but she rarely ever fussy during this time.
Start playing a song at bedtime – the same song every night. Play it when you’re ready to put your baby to bed. After some time, they will associate this song with bedtime and recognize it as a trigger to wind down. You can sing to your baby or use a sound machine/toy to play your song of choice. We use a SLEEP SHEEP that I have linked below and play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. I think it also makes her feel less alone at night.
Funny story – when Emilia was just a baby, James would play a reggae song every night he put her to sleep. Without even realizing it, this song became a trigger for Emilia to relax and wind down. To this day, anytime that song comes on she will instantly stop crying and you can see her entire body relax. Within minutes she falls asleep. It’s crazy!
We started using a sound machine the first night home from the hospital. It’s great for mimicking the sounds they hear in the womb and for drowning out noise (especially during naps!) A sound machine is another indicator that it’s time for bed. We start the sound machine during her bottle feed before putting her down. We love the HATCH SOUND MACHINE I have listed below – it’s also a nightlight and can be controlled from your phone!
There are many different forms of sleep training to help teach your child how to soothe themselves to sleep. I recommend doing your own research and finding a program that you feel comfortable with. We began sleep training Emila after her 4 month sleep regression. It took only 2 nights of sleep training before she dropped her nighttime feed and slept through the night. She’s been putting herself to bed and sleeping through the night ever since!

Emilia has always been a good sleeper. We never forced a schedule on her, but rather let her establish her own around 4 months old. She aways took long naps – so we stuck with 2 long naps a day, rather than 3 short ones. Here is an overview of her sleep/eat/play schedule that’s been working great for us over the past few months. Please remember that no baby is the same and they all have different needs!
- 7:00-8:00: Wake Up/Bottle
- Food/Play
- 9:30-10:30: Bottle/Down for Nap
- 12:00-1:00: Wake Up/Bottle
- Food/Play
- 3:00 – 4:00: Bottle/Down for Nap
- 5:00-6:00: Wake Up
- Food/Play
- 7:00-8:00: Bedtime Routine/Bottle/Down for Bed
In addition to the tips & tricks I mentioned above, there are also some products that have helped with sleep both at home and on the go. Keep scrolling for links to our favorite baby sleep essentials and the reasons why we love them!
One item I didn’t mind splurging on was a breathable mattress. Anything to keep your baby safe is worth the money in my opinion. I had anxiety moving Emilia to her own room (around 3.5 months), but having a breathable mattress helped ease my nerves. We had the opportunity to try both the NOOK and NEWTON mattresses…
We loved the NOOK for its design. It has a pebble design on the mattress pad, increasing airflow all around baby. No additional sheets are required, but rather the patented material prevents liquids, dirt and other small messes from seeping through the surface fabrics. It’s also hypoallergenic, antimicrobial and water resistant. What we didn’t love was the weight – its very heavy compared to other crib mattresses. While the mattress pad is removable and easy to wash, the actual core of the mattress is not easy clean.
A few months later we were given the opportunity to try the NEWTON MATTRESS. This breathable mattress came very highly rated and is completely washable – down to the core. It’s also VERY lightweight and easy lift.
Both are great options, but we prefer the Newton – mainly due to it being lightweight and easier to clean.
The BABY SHUSER was a gift from a friend and one of our most used items on the go! It’s a portable sound machine that makes a very realistic “SHHHHHH’ noise to help soothe your baby. I kept this in my diaper bag and used it in the car and stroller for naps on the go. Worked like a charm!
I’m not sure how we would have survived without a SWING when Emilia was a newborn! This is the exact model we have and comes in nice, neutral colors. This was the only device she was content being in the first few months. She took (supervised) naps in here every day before moving to her crib.
If it seems like your baby has tummy issues, you may want to consider grabbing some GRIPE WATER to have on hand. Emilia’s stomach bothered her the first few months so we were instructed by our pediatrician to give her gripe water to help settle her tummy. This brand is our favorite and they also makes a ‘nighttime’ version that contains chamomile. This definitely helped soothe her belly so she could get a good nights sleep!
I feel comfortable saying the NANIT is the BEST baby monitor on the market! After trying a few different brands, the Nanit was by far our favorite. It hooks up to your phone and tracks your babies every move throughout the night. I love knowing exactly what time Emilia falls asleep and what time she gets up. It also tracks sleep efficiency so we know how well she slept thought the night. The convenience of having all this information on your phone is unmatched. This system also offers two-step verification and encryption for safety.
You can purchase the Nanit with a WALL STAND (attaches to wall with cover via command strips) or FLOOR STAND (crib needs to be a few inches away from the wall to fit the stand.)
Having a sound machine in your babies room is a must! Emilia used a sound machine since her first night home from the hospital (there was one built into her bassinet.) As soon as she moved into her own room, we started using the HATCH SOUND MACHINE for sound and a nightlight. I love that this sound machine/nightlight combo hooks right up to your phone. Being able to control the color, brightness and sound from your mobile device is so convenient! I heard that this system is also great for toddlers. It includes a time-to-rise function that lets your child know when it’s time to get out of bed. It’s also customizable and programmable.
I read that you should always use diaper balm before putting your baby to bed. They’ll be sitting in a wet diaper for long periods at night, so protecting their bum with balm is a must! We have been using the EARTH MAMA DIAPER BALM since Emilia was a newborn and love it for everyday use. For the occasional severe diaper rash/raw skin that needs healing, I would recommend using this BUTT PASTE.
The SLEEPEA SWADDLE was our favorite swaddle to use from ages 0-4 months. This swaddle is made by the Happeist Baby, who also makes the SNOO Bassinet. However, this particular swaddle can be used without the SNOO. We love that it has an interior velcro flap in addition to zipper closure. It was the most secure swaddle we found – the only one Emilia could not break out of! It also has vented panels by the legs and shoulders to ensure baby does not overheat. Zippers at the shoulders also allow for baby’s arms to be outside the swaddle if they prefer.
As soon as Emilia started breaking out of the swaddle, we knew it was time for a sleep sack! The main purpose of a sleep sack is to keep your baby warm in lieu of a blanket. The HALO SLEEP SACK came highly recommended and we have no complaints. It comes in a fleece and cotton version – we bought both for the changing seasons. It’s available in 4 different sizes.
The SLEEP SHEEP is a cute little stuffed animal that plays nursery rhymes and soothing sounds. It’s designed with velcro straps in the back to be attached to the side of a crib (or stroller). Inside the sheep is a sound machine that plays a variety of lullabies and other sounds. We started using this shortly after moving Emilia into the crib and it seemed to help her sleep better almost immediately. She falls asleep to Twinkle Twinkle every night.
If your baby suffers from moro (startle) reflex after they’ve grown out their swaddle (for us this was around 4 months old), look into a SLEEP SUIT. This is a great option to use until your little one is ready for a sleep sack. A sleep suit provides a cozy and secure feeling, allowing more movement than a swaddle. Emilia used this sleep suit for about 2 months and it worked like a charm! The swaddle we used from 0-4 months is linked above. This sleep suit is for back sleep only and should not be used if baby can roll over while wearing the suit.
Click to read more about our favorite baby products…
Newborn Essentials
Breastfeeding Must Haves
Best Baby Toys 0 – 6 Months
Top Winter Must-Haves for Baby
Winter Must Haves for Baby
Baby Feeding Essentials
Baby Bath Time Essentials
Baby Diapering Essentials
Top 5 Baby Travel Products

Thanks for this great post! Which bassinet did you use? Xo
Here’s a link to our bassinet. It’s an investment, but we HIGHLY recommend! Our baby loved it.
Thank you so much!!